Apex Launcher is one of the oldest and best known launchers in the market today. With it first being launched on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and supports all Android versions from 4.0 onwards. While Nova has usurped the throne of the launchers, Apex is still a very able and determined challenger. Let the games begins!
On choosing Apex Launcher as your default launcher, two new icons pop up on your home screen which are Apex menu and Apex settings. On going to Apex settings, you will be greeted by a neat interface and a set of menus. The Apex settings should look like this:
Home screen settings:
Here you can multiple options available to you for open customization. Those who read our series on Nova launcher will be familiar with the options. These options are easy to understand and simple to implement. We have made our own choices and you can copy that for a start and then do further customization based on choices.
Infinite scroll is a nifty feature that is useful. The grids allow you to place your apps on your preference.
Drawer Settings:
Drawer settings is a pivotal part of Apex settings that allows you to control the app drawer through a series of options that are simple and functional. Nothing that is too hard to understand here.
Dock Settings:
Dock settings helps you control the dock at the bottom of your screen that contains most frequently used apps and is a big time saver many times. There are options to customize this effectively and for those acquainted with Nova Settings, this is a breeze.
The Folder settings provide you with many options including folders like those of iOS which is a unique thing not found in Nova but on the flipside, they do not have an option for Android N Preview folder. Most of the options depend on your individual taste.
Behaviour settings:
Behaviour settings help you to streamline your experience with Apex with various gestures and controls that you can customize.
Theme settings:
Theme settings is the Apex equivalent of Nova's Look and Feel menu. Here you can apply themes available for Apex which is more comprehensive than just a custom icon pack and can change your interface. Nova doesn't allow you to go much further than putting an icon pack in that aspect.
Advanced settings:
Advanced settings is for power users who want to go beyond the usual suite of options and desire more options and control over the customization of their devices. Here you can get "Ok Google" hotword detection and much more.
Apex truly is a powerhouse of a launcher that is versatile, robust and filled to the brim with features. While many tend to compare it with Nova, for us that remains for another day. Till then, see you and have fun!