We have seen Nova launcher, which is currently the king of the launchers but Apex is no less. Apex is a worthy challenger to Nova and wants to dethrone Nova. Let us see who will end up with the throne of the launchers.
People's reviews :
Both launchers are extremely popular. The playstore ratings of Nova launcherfree version is 4.6. On the other hand Apex Launcher has a score of 4.3 stars. Nova launcher has more installs in comparison with Apex. Following point must be considered before choosing the right launcher but don't worry more is yet to come.
Look and Feel of Launchers:
Both launchers have almost same home screen feel and app drawers. The drawer graphics of Apex launcher are more smooth. Nova launcher gives lesser sleek look but according many reviews and my experience Nova has a slight edge in this category. Making the score 2 for Nova and 0 for Apex but don't decide too soon.
Customization and Speed:
Both Nova and Apex are highly customisable. The options available to mold the android experience are great. But when compared Apex launcher wins the race. A view of the customization available is given in the below given screenshots.When compared for speed, both launchers are speedy. Apex launcher is a bit better as it provides no lags. But it does not means that Nova launcher slows down. guess what Apex is catching up !!!
Settings :
There isn't much difference in home screen settings In both of these apps. The icons, quick start dock and folder presentation is nearly identical.One look at the
settings. Glance at the settings menus and you'll see that both launchers have adopted a whole stack of customization options. It's all possible: from the number of app symbols that can be added to the home screen and dock, to the presentation of the notifications bar, to scrolling behavior in the app drawer.
Widgets :
Talking about homescren we come to widgets well there a some straightforward choices in this matter There is not much to talk about here both are nearly the same so there is no clear winner in this category both the apps show their prime weakness here. Still there is no clear winner...
Bottom line :
Both launchers are very similar . During this brief battle, it was hard for me to see what made Apex that much better than the Nova launcher. Most importantly, Apex has its own tablet mode as well as many gesture settings in the free version. The advantage that comes with both launchers is the huge amount of settings which give you lots of freedom to customize the home screen. The biggest disadvantage is that both have very limited widget and theme choice. To counter this, you'll need to be active yourself and find your own pictures to spruce up the look of the background. All in all, either launcher follows the motto ''it is what you make of it''.
Talking about homescren we come to widgets well there a some straightforward choices in this matter There is not much to talk about here both are nearly the same so there is no clear winner in this category both the apps show their prime weakness here. Still there is no clear winner...